Helen Schweitzer Realty, LLC
Helen Schweitzer, Helen Schweitzer Realty, LLCPhone: (845) 222-3724
Email: [email protected]

Real estate listing preview #1
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LandFor Sale
Route 22
Wingdale, NY 12594
Listed by: Commerce Properties, (914) 747-0019
348,480Sq Ft
Est. Mortgage

Raw Land - Located on Route 22 in Wingdale/Dover Plains. Approximately 8 acres. The Town of Dover is progressing with a comprehensive rezoning incitive to allow multifamily dwellings to be built and/or commercial use buildings IE shopping centers. Available is survey, and several documents limited topo, tax map, ariels etc. Proposal of a large box store drawings available but not approved. NO trespassing and all showings must have prior written approval to walk the property.

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Information courtesy of Commerce Properties is subject to verification and is not guaranteed.
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